Many girls start experiencing periods as early as in their teens. Most females experience it as long as for 30-40 years. In this long tenure, females go through good as well as bad experiences. As the body of every female is different as so are their struggles when it comes to their periods. Some experience severe cramps, heavy flows, infections, rashes while others may not experience it. It may also change over some time.
Vaginal infection is something that can be experienced by some at any point in time in their life while having periods. Some of the common infections are Bacterial vaginosis (BV), or Candidiasis. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs with a shift in the balance between the good and bad bacteria that are present in your vagina. While Candidiasis happens with the overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans in the vagina.
With the change of times and thought process the people are switching to a safer option to avoid these infections and that is the menstrual cup. There are many uses of the menstrual cup and using a menstrual cup for the first time looks daunting. But with the passage of time, you will realize that it is one of the most convenient and safe options.
Symptoms of the infections
The common symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis are vaginal itching, thin discharge that may be white grey or green, and fishy smell. On the other hand, with Candidiasis one may experience intense itching and burning, thick vaginal discharge, redness in vulva mucous membranes accompanied with small ulcers. But if you experience abdominal pain and fever that is not the symptom of this yeast infection you should contact a physician.
What causes these infections?
The causes of these infections are the use of antibiotics, pregnancy, or ample use of non-breathable panty liners and pads can be one of the reasons. The infection can also spread after the use of toilet from the rectum into the vagina, it is advisable to clean yourself from front to back.
On the other hand, the imbalance created because of good and bad bacteria due to a new sex partner, multiple sex partners or douching are one of the prominent causes of Bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Prevention of the infection
As these infections can become prominent during the menstruation cycle, it is advisable to use breathable cotton underwear, follow proper hygiene routine and completely boycott pads, tampons or panty liners as it can cause the infection to increase.
As the menstrual cups are made of medical-grade silicone and can be easily washed and reused, it makes it harmless and the most preferred option during the menstruation cycle. The only thing you have to keep in mind while switching to a menstrual cup is how to use a menstrual cup and wash it. Once you will get used to it and understand the ways to keep it clean you will remain miles away from the vaginal infection. All the above reasons are more than enough to make us comprehend why use a menstrual cup to avoid the infection of any kind and have stress-free periods.